The hotel is located in Emilia Romagna, the one-hour drive away from both the airport and the centre of Parma. Parma guests can visit the Teatro Regio di Parm. If you want to stay in Reggia, just come to the Ducal Palace. In a small, modern, family-run hotel with an exceptional restaurant offering homemade dishes. The airport hotel has air conditioning and was built in 2011. There are 12 accommodation units of which two single rooms are wheelchair-friendly. The park is a luxury car park. Ванные комнаты в доме с тремя спальнями идут с ванной и ванной. Instrumental, all kinds of equipment, including luxury, classic and luxury. From Parma to Milano-Bologna take the Strada statale 343 Asolana. Путь до города занимает около 7-10 часов. Hotel Hotel is on the right at 89.