Estação Embratel Convention Center is located 50 meters from the Bonaparte Express. The hotel offers access to the airport, Expotrade Facility, and the Expotrade Center. The hotel is situated on the main avenues of the city.
Curitiba is a place of wonder and fantastic beauty, and its a place that offers a variety of opportunities to get into a world of the fantastic. Paraná is the capital of Parań. Curitiba offers a great variety of leisure activities to enjoy from theatres to cinemas to music festivals and bars. Гости города могут насладиться: Баре́гью Парк (Great for jogging, walking and cycling), Хроники (Great for jogging, walking and cycling) и Истори́ческий Центр, в котором собрана уникальная коллекция предметов искусства.
The Curitiban has a curious mix of French, German and Ukrainian influences. Есть блюда, которые вы сможете попробовать и заказать, а есть блюда, которые вам придется съесть.