Санаторий Крутушка Health Resort Krutushka

ул. Центральная, 1На карте


Политика отеля

Заездс 11:00
Выезддо 11:00

Важная информация

Dear guests, please note that upon arrival at the sanatorium, you must have a package of documents for checking in: - a ticket or a voucher confirming the reservation in the Sanatorium; - a sanatorium-resort card with a completed medical examination at the place of residence with a doctor's conclusion on admission to treatment in a sanatorium-resort institution of the appropriate profile (If you are with treatment); - a certificate of the epidenvironment, which is issued at the polyclinic at the place of residence, stating that the patient has not been in contact with infectious patients for 14 days. The certificate is valid for 3 days (not counting the road); -for citizens of the Russian Federation – an internal passport; - for foreign citizens – a foreign passport, visa and migration card, other documents, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. To settle children (under the age of 18), you must have: - passport or birth certificate, power of attorney (consent) from legal representatives if the child is staying in a sanatorium without legal representatives; - a certificate from a pediatrician or an epidemiologist about the absence of contact of the child with infectious patients within 14 days (a certificate about the epidenvironment). The certificate is valid for 3 days (not counting the road); - certificate of vaccinations (or vaccination card); - MHI policy; - sanatorium and resort card. Reception of vacationers is carried out exclusively in the presence of the above documents. Otherwise, the guests will be denied accommodation.

Правила заселения

Информируем вас о том, что в соответствии с Постановлением Правительства РФ от 9 октября 2015 года, для заселения в гостиницы на территории России гражданам России необходимо иметь при себе общегражданский паспорт.

Информация о мерах профилактики COVID-19

Объект размещения входит в программу AntiCovid Hotels и проводит комплекс профилактических мер в связи с пандемией вируса COVID-19. Подробнее можно ознакомиться по ссылке: http://krutushka-kazan.ru/rekomendatsii-po-organizatsii-rabotyi-sanatorno-kurortnyih-uchrezhdeniy
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